Berger Primary School

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Autumn 2 in Ash Class

 This term our question was “Where do you want to go and how will you get there?”. This linked with our topic of Transport and made for great cross-curricular links through maths, literacy, history and science.

Throughout the term we learnt about many different types of vehicles and how they have changed over time. This included flying vehicles, floating vehicles, cars, trains, bikes, emergency vehicles and construction vehicles.

We linked this to our maths which involved shapes and as we learnt about them we considered whether or not they would make for good wheels, and if not why not. The children enjoyed this hands on learning as they imagined a very bumpy ride in a vehicle with triangular wheels!

In maths we also focused on counting, ordinality, cardinality and repeated patterns. Pupils were able to access this learning through a variety of hands of learning experiences using maths resources as well as games. Pupils enjoyed working both indoors and outdoors during their maths groups to enrich lessons and learning opportunities.

Linking back to our question, in geography children learnt about different places you can fly to, discussing where they had been and what it was like to go on a plane. We also discussed different types of transport they had been on, and they loved the bus role play area we had!

For our WOW day we went outside and experienced different types of transport including cars, bikes, skate boards and even roller skates! We also looked at pictures of them on the different types of transport ranging from a horse and cart to a plane – the children loved seeing their friends on different types of transport and enjoyed talking about their experiences to the class.

Pupils made their own vehicles from recycled materials. They also partook in weekly Art lessons where they studied the same artist using different materials and resources, with a range of techniques. This took place on their creative day of the week, this day also involves music, dance and PE. They have grown in skill and talent in these creative skills – well done to all!

We ventured to the O2 using the DLR, over-ground, tube and cable cars, to experience as many different methods of transport as possible in one trip! We loved the cable cars and had an amazing day out. Once we got to the O2 we had a picnic and then ventured all the way back to Berger – a big journey for little legs!

We also ventured to Forest School to explore the outside world! Digging, exploring and doing what we do best – getting muddy! The pupils loved Forest School and it was a lovely way for them to reconnect with nature in a busy city.

Philosophy for children covered a variety of topics effecting children today. These included ‘I am seen, I exist”, pondering whether they would rather live on earth or discover a new planet, where pollution goes and what we can do to reduce our carbon footprint. We also discussed the internet and how to be safe online, as well as asking pupils is a virtual world better than the real world?

We finished the term by preparing for the children’s first Christmas Play- which was very exciting! The children loved learning the songs and dances for the play. They performed it to friends and family and did a wonderful job.

The children have done a wonderful job with settling into life in reception and we are so proud of them for completing their first full term!