Berger Primary School

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Spring 1


In Spring 1 our literacy focus was Famous Authors. We learned about them and how they write their stories. The Authors we learnt about included: Tola Okogwu, Julia Donaldson, Oliver Jeffers, Michale Rosen and AA Milne.

WOW Day 

We were lucky enough to zoom with Tola Okogwu for our WOW Day. She read us a story and we had the chance to ask her questions we had about being an author.


We made a honeypot from Winnie the Pooh using paper mache! As well as decorating faces so we could weave the ‘hair’ into braids just like the story “Daddy Do My Hair” by Tola. 

We also made an art piece by decorating trees using a range of material so they looked as if they were covered in snow. We particularly enjoyed using the cotton wool, beads and glitter. 


To encourage our love of reading we took a trip to the local library - Homerton Library. Here we were able to meet with the librarian and understand how a library works. It gave us the opportunity to explore more books and informed us how to access them! 

We were lucky enough to make another trip to Victoria Park to observe how winter had changed our surroundings, noting the trees had lost their leaves and it had gotten a lot colder!  


We learnt about the life cycles of amphibians and mammals. This was something we really enjoyed - we can’t wait to see tadpoles later on in spring. 


We have  also been developing our fine and gross motor skills - painting, climbing, riding bikes and playing outside in all weathers!