Berger Primary School

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Ash Class 22-23


In Summer 2 we have been reading stories celebrating what makes us all different and unique. We have also read stories which focused on our 5 sense. We have continued our work on sentence structure and mastering our handwriting and letter formation. 

WOW Day 

With our topic being what makes me ME? We each got a paper bag and took it home for the weekend. We filled it with things that are special and unique to us. Then for out WOW day we went through all of the bags and took turns at guessing whose bag was whose. It was a really brilliant chance to be able to show what makes us so unique to our friends and lead to some brilliant class room discussion. 


We have been focusing each week on making a page for our end of term “All about me” book. We did a self portrait, family portrait, a drawing of our favourite season as well as our favourite food and drink. We also used oil paints to decorate a summer tree. We did this in small groups and it gave us a brilliant chance to work as a team. 


This term we performed at the Round Chapel in Hackney with other schools. We performed a collection of sounds and really enjoyed the atmosphere and did a brilliant job at learning all of the songs. 

We also went to forest school! We got to spend a whole day at forest school, having a picnic in the park. 


This term we got to do a lot of experiments. We have been learning about predictions. We put on our science coats and did a skittles experiment, as well as a glitter and milk experiment and a Diet Coke and mentos one! It was fun to see if our predictions were correct or not. 


We have  also been developing our fine and gross motor skills - painting, climbing, riding bikes and playing outside in all weathers!