Autumn 2: Science

We did a very interesting floating and sinking science experiment. We found some objects from around the classroom, talked about their properties and then sorted the items into two categories, based on what we thought would float and what would sink. We had great fun in making predictions, giving reasons for our predictions and then testing them out to see what floated and what sank, and the time it took for something to sink.

Autumn 2: Reading and writing

We have been working very hard with our reading and writing. We have been trying our best to remember our reading and writing rules. We have become much, much more confident with our reading and writing.

Autumn 2: ICT

We have been learning how to use active inspire on the interactive board. We learned how to use the pen to write and draw, we learned how to rub out things on the board, change the colour of the pen. We each took turns to draw a different part of the picture. We then came up with a story for our picture.

Transport - Autumn 2 - WOW day

Our topic for Autumn 2 was transport, so for our WOW day, we decided to explore lots of different types of transport vehicles. We had turns to ride on the different modes of transport and discussed which type of transport was our favourite.

Fun times at forest school

We love going forest school; where we get to explore nature and learn new ways of doing things. We have learnt how to make tents, shelters, climb trees, look for minibeasts, use mud paint to paint the trees as well as many more amazing things. But our favourite part of forest school has to be the part when we get a treat at the end. Can you guess what it is by looking at the pictures?

Busy building

We love to build with all of the different construction toys that we have inside the classroom. We enjoy working together to make lots of exciting structures and creations. We use the things that we make and build to act out stories together.


We have had a big focus on numbers this half term. We have been working really hard at ordering numerals 1-10, reciting the names of the numerals, writing them, counting, subitising and finding different ways to make the numerals using objects and our fingers.

Autumn 1: Now and Then

Our first topic was ‘Now and Then’, where we explored and learnt about how people grow up and change over the course of their lives. We had a ‘WOW’ day where we pretended to be babies, explored baby products, tasted baby food, looked at pictures of ourselves as babies and discussed how we changed over the years.

Be bright, stay in sight!

We learned and discussed about the importance of being visible in the dark when we are out and about as the days have become shorter. To celebrate this awareness, we wore our most visible and brightest clothes to school. We also talked about the safety measures we need to take when crossing the roads as well as the importance of listening to the adults when walking on the streets and crossing the roads.

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Becoming more confident with our writing

This half term, we have been learning lots of writing skills, such as, how to hold our pens when we do our writing, how to form letters of the alphabet , write our letters from left to right, as well as learning to write our own names. We learned about the writing rules of having a capital letter at the beginning of our sentences, finger spaces after each word and a full stop at the end. 

Busy painting, building and being creative in our play and learning

We have been really busy drawing, painting, making structures of models and building in Ash class.  The easel and the construction toy area are our two favourite parts of the class.  We enjoy building with each other and discussing what we have made and  whether or not we like it, and how it can be changed or improved.

Learning our numbers.

This half term we had a big focus on learning our numbers. We had fun ordering numerals, saying their names, writing them and matching objects to the correct numerals. We made number caterpillars after ordering the numerals 1-10. We also learned how to count out objects from a larger group.


Launchpad for language parent session

Parents enjoyed a parent session run by Melody Platford our speech and language therapist today. They had fun making Alan the alien puppets with their parents/carers.

What a success!!

Sinking and floating

In science, we enjoyed learning about how some things float and some things sink when you put them in water. We first predicted which objects we though would float and which objects we thought would sink, and then we had a go at testing out our predictions. After we finished our experiment, we then talked about our findings, and most of our predictions were correct and there were a few that we were a little surprised by. But we thoroughly enjoyed the science experiment that we did.

Our 'frieze exhibition' art trip at Regent's park

In Autumn 1, we went on an outside art exhibition in Regents park, called the ‘frieze exhibition’. We got to explore lots of different types of art work that were on display, we then had to go around the park and look for all the different structures and tick them off our tick sheet . We even got to meet one of artists there and she told us all about her art work. There were sculptures of things that were made out of recycled materials.